Enjoy this no mayo potato salad with all the classic ingredients, from red potatoes to chopped hard-boiled eggs, celery, green onions, red bell peppers,...
This cole slaw has a vinaigrette-style dressing instead of a traditional creamy dressing. It would be good for picnics or where a salad needs to sit out....
This recipe was given me by my aunt, who loves Mediterranean cooking. A delicious, refreshing salad made from shredded cabbage and a dressing made from...
Preserved lemon, an essential ingredient in Moroccan cooking, is made by pickling lemons in salt and lemon juice. This Potato Salad with Quick Preserved...
I love coleslaw but I don't love the fat and calories from mayonnaise. This slaw is light, fresh, and the perfect topping for fish or shrimp tacos, or...
This is a super quick and easy recipe kids love. It was always a hit with both moms and kids at my playgroups and potluck luncheons. It also makes a great...
I love this mixture; it's deceptively simple but has great flavor. When my Mom and I did low-carb, we put this on almost everything we ate. The yellow...
Wonderful slaw recipe passed down from my Grandmother's cook, Vernell. It's similar to a sweet and sour cabbage recipe, and will keep for 2 weeks in the...
I tried this recipe for some friends who had requested my German potato salad. I didn't have time to make in on the spot so I gathered my ingredients and...
I created this edamame slaw recipe to go with the Cedar Plank Salmon recipe on this site. Hubby fell in love! There are a lot of ingredients but if you...
I took the base of Martha Stewart's cucumber radish slaw and changed it up. This is great on top of tacos or with pork. You can use it like any other coleslaw....
This recipe will put some fresh vegetables on your table in almost no time at all! My kids love it too. All the ingredients keep very well, so it's pantry-friendly....
Once in a blue moon, we like to make this delicious salad. The combination of fruit, cabbage, and blue cheese make this salad a satisfying and memorable...
This is a wonderful, easy to make warm potato salad we regularly serve at barbecues. We have yet to meet someone who doesn't enjoy it. You can use either...
This slaw combines fresh crunchy cabbage and red peppers with sweet, tangy pineapple, made zesty with chipotle pepper and lime juice. It is a great accompaniment...
Polish people love their cabbage in every form and every color! This fresh red cabbage slaw is often made during the autumn months, when bright colors...
If you want a light potato salad that is a perfect accompaniment for steak then this is the salad for you. Try it at your next BBQ and your taste buds...
This vinegar-based slaw is an easy way to start a meal. Very refreshing in the summer! Pairs great with fish, dishes with avocado, and Central and South...
This was a little bit of an experiment, and turned out getting rave reviews. I will try to be as close to amounts as possible, but I did add more to taste...
This is a perfect vegan alternative to the traditional potato salad. It is also a much healthier option. By substituting avocado and olive oil for mayonnaise...
Popularly served in the tapas bars of the Cadiz province, these potatoes are a great side dish with steak or any barbeque. For a more authentic version,...
This is a cool, delicious, crunchy, savory and sweet broccoli slaw that will satisfy. Try this instead of coleslaw. Tastes just as good if not better the...
This is a delicious salad made of 7 different layers of ingredients. It's wonderful with a meal or as a meal by itself. My kids say YUM-YUM when they see...
This recipe is incredibly easy. A coleslaw with a sweet and tangy blend of Asian flavors. Takes about 5 minutes to make! Make it early in the afternoon,...
This is a nutritarian-friendly recipe. My kids inhaled it and asked for seconds. I used apricot balsamic vinegar, which is a little sweet. It should work...